Child Custody Violations

One of the most troubling part of a divorce is the child custody arrangements. Usually the child leavingjudge asks that the parties work out a custody arrangement through mediation, and if that fails, the arrangements are set by the court. Bu what can you do when the other party doesn’t live up to the arrangements?

The best way to determine if there has been a violation of your parenting plan agreement is to talk with our experienced family law attorney  to understand whether a well-defined legal violation has occurred.

Violations can occur when one parent:

. Extends their time-sharing hours beyond the agreement and without permission from the other parent
. Threatens that they will not return the child at all
. Refuses to pay their share of expenses, even though all documentation/receipts have been submitted
. Allows the children to spend time with parties who have been prohibited by the court from visiting them
. Divulges negative information/comments about the other parent regularly
. Exposes the children to dangerous or immoral situations

After speaking with our accomplished  family law attorney, we will outline the process of seeking enforcement of the court-ordered parenting plan, so you know exactly what to expect when we take your case before a judge.

We will establish the evidentiary requirements necessary to establish contempt, and seek the immediate enforcement of your parenting plan, so you can ensure your children’s safety and success remains paramount in their upbringing — no matter where they are spending time.

If you believe your ex-spouse or ex-partner has violated the Florida parenting plan agreement you have in place, contact our office.

Ty Zdravko practices law as a divorce attorney, and family law attorney in Palm Harbor, Clearwater and the surrounding area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 787-5919.

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