Be Careful with Social Media

You probably know someone like this. Every time they have a fight with their spouse or adivorced couple friend, they put all the details out on social media. It probably makes you wince to see all the details out there for everybody to see. This is not a good idea for anyone, but if you are going through a divorce, it can really be a problem. Social media is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends, sharing exciting experiences, and getting into contact with new people. However, during a divorce, social media can be damaging and dangerous.

While social media can sometimes serve as a great outlet, it should never be a place you go to share personal information pertaining to your divorce.

Find out what bad social media habits you need to break during your divorce:

Rants and Outbursts

Although it may feel cathartic to voice your emotions to the online world, the results could be far more lasting than you imagine. While your intentions may be innocent, sharing any information about your upcoming divorce – your spouse’s unfaithfulness, financial issues, child custody disputes, or other similar problems – should be completely off-limits. These types of posts can be used as evidence against you in the divorce. Even if your ex and you are no longer connected via social media, don’t assume that your social accounts are private. He or she could still find out what you’re posting through friends, relatives, or other mutual connections.

Sharing Your Location

Nowadays, technology makes it easier than ever for us to keep track of one another. While it may seem second-nature to share a picture of yourself on vacation or “check in” at a fancy restaurant, if you are going through any type of legal dispute, you need to think about the potential consequences. Sharing your location during your divorce could give your spouse ammunition to use against you in court. For example, if you are on vacation in the Bahamas, he or she could use that information to prove you do not need as much alimony as you are asking for. Or, this could be used to show that you do not have enough time to share equal custody of your children. Whatever the angle, always consider how sharing your location could cost you in the long run.

Posting Images of Drinking

A photo of yourself with a glass of wine on the couch may seem innocent enough, but it could wind up hurting you in court. Always consider any image you post as potential evidence used against you in a custody battle, property division argument, or any other aspect of your divorce. If you are caught drinking, even if it is only one drink, on a night you have the children, your ex could go so far as to accuse you of being an unfit parent. Even if you think you can disprove this accusation, it’s always better not to risk it, so never share images or posts about alcohol, drugs, or anything else that could be construed as dangerous or irresponsible behavior.

Why is Social Media Such a Threat During Divorce?

Social media posts can be used in court as evidence against you, which is why it is crucial to keep all sensitive information to yourself and away from online outlets. Also, the type of gossip and turmoil any inflammatory post could generate wouldn’t only affect you, it could make things more difficult on your children as well. If your kids see you bad-mouthing their other parent online, or if they see you venting about the difficulties of the divorce, it could leave them feeling guilty, confused, frustrated, and hurt. Even if they do not see your social media themselves, they could catch the gist of the message from friends or relatives. Instead of chancing this type of reaction, keep sensitive information to yourself, and be sure to communicate with your kids about how they are handling your divorce.

Ty Zdravko practices law as a divorce attorney, and family law attorney in Palm Harbor, Clearwater and the surrounding area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 787-5919.

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