Getting Custody

When going through a divorce, usually one of the greatest concerns is getting custody. In parents tugging childtoday’s world, the courts lean in the direction of working towards join custody, but joint custody is not always awarded, and you want to do whatever you can improve the custody rights that you are awarded.

Where does it make the most sense for your minor children to reside? With you or with your spouse? Is it possible that you and your spouse could agree on this issue? That would certainly would make things easier. Otherwise, it will be up to the court to decide.

When going through a divorce, parents must determine with whom their minor children will live and who will make critical child-rearing decisions. If divorcing parents cannot make these decisions, they take the issue to court. Understanding how the legal system works and getting child custody help from an expert can increase the chance of winning custody.

The primary goal in every child custody case is an arrangement that is in the best interests of the child. A judge must decide on both physical and legal custody, resulting in many potential outcomes. While it is possible to win sole custody in divorce, more parents find themselves getting joint custody. This allows each parent to maintain a physical presence and making important decisions regarding their children’s future.

A safe living environment that includes necessary amenities is important, so a parent seeking custody should create this, whether remaining in the marital home or moving to a different residence. If possible, the parent should find a home in the school district the child attended before the divorce because this maintains stability. If the parent must change jobs, the work schedule should accommodate the daily routine of the child.

Stability Is Important
Stability should also be the focus with personal relationships. A parent trying to win custody during divorce should not quickly begin a new relationship that involves cohabitating or spending excessive time together. Instead, the adult should take time to adjust to the new single lifestyle and focus on the needs of each child. There will be plenty of time in the future to resume dating.

Most spouses disagree at some point during a divorce but they should try to avoid a custody battle at all costs. A parent who puts the needs of the children above all other issues and keeps children away from disagreements that arise is more likely to receive custody. Taking this one step further, a parent who does not stand in the way of the other parent’s attempts to win custody is viewed in the most favorable light.

Divorcing spouses are not expected to be legal experts, so they should not hesitate to get child custody help from a family law attorney. Ty Zdravko practices law as a divorce attorney, and family law attorney in Palm Harbor, Clearwater and the surrounding area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 787-5919.

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