Should I Get a Divorce?

mediationThis is one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make. And a part that makes it even more difficult is the once you puller the trigger, you probably can’t go back. You probably can’t get the Jeanie back in the bottle. Shall we stay together for the kids? While this is not one I’m a big fan of, it is not one you can dismiss easily. Are you staying together for financial reasons. While you will probably be happier outside of a difficult situation even with less money, it may be that you are concerned that you can’t support yourself on your own. There are some things to consider when making this decision.

Have You Talked It Over?

While this may seem like a silly question, perhaps you didn’t express your fears in a way that was understood by your spouse.

Can This Be Fixed?

Is it possible that you can work in a spirit of cooperation to work on the issues? Of course you will both have to work on it. You can make changes yourself, but you can’t change the other person. If you believe that nothing will change no matter how much work you put in, then it’s fair to weigh divorce as an option.

Would You Be Happier After a Divorce?

You may have forgotten, but being alone is lonesome and no bed of roses either. This is a question that you find difficult to answer, but your answer should be clear to you before you pull the trigger.

Are You Ready For What Is Coming?

Divorce is a terrible nasty ordeal.  In addition, divorce can change your financial situation. Are you prepared for these difficult aspects of the process?

One way to help you determine your best option is to speak with an attorney who has helped others with divorce and can guide you on what your next step should be. Ty Zdravko practices law as a divorce attorney, and family law attorney in Palm Harbor, Clearwater and the surrounding area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 787-5919.

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