Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney?

YTy Zdravkoou can get a divorce in Florida without an attorney. Should you do that? Probably not. For one thing, divorce is an emotional experience. Your emotions can cloud your judgement, particularly if there is anger or a need for revenge involved. The results of the divorce may be irreversible, and can have serious consequences. Are cost savings that important when discussing the custody of your child?

You can get help from the court when being self represented. Most courts have a self help desk at the clerk’s office.  The  information that is provided by the self help desk is sometimes inaccurate as applied to a particular situation.  You may misinterpret that information. Your case  may get bogged down with motions which you are not prepared to address, while those matters are routine for a practicing attorney.

There are other disadvantages to not having professional help.  If you think about it in terms of using a professional versus the use of someone that is not licensed as an attorney.  Many of us have changed our own oil, but we might be walking if we attempted to rebuild our own engines.  Suffice it to say that an attorney can carefully draft a final order that covers your interests, understands the rules that must be complied both in court and at mediation.  It is far better to be in court with someone who is a fiduciary and is legally bound to look out for your best interests compared with being a self represented individual who is in the dark about the law and the procedures or is getting advice from a clerk who is immune from giving out negligent advice otherwise framed as helping someone fill out paperwork.

If you are a non-professional, you will probably get most of your advice from a non-professional. It goes without saying that this could have unintended consequences.

Why not have a consultation with Ty Zdravco. Ty Zdravko practices law as a divorce attorney, and family law attorney in Palm Harbor, Clearwater and the surrounding area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 787-5919.

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